Morning Sickness and Baby's Gender

Morning Sickness and Baby's Gender

Morning Sickness and Baby's Gender

For many years, morning sickness has been used to predict the outcome of a pregnancy. It is believed that the gender of your baby is linked to the severity of morning sickness. According to old wives tales, the sicker the mother, the more likely she is to give birth to a baby girl, though this is not a rule. Some women believe that they will get a girl because they are experiencing severe morning sickness, but end up having a boy.


Predictors will include everything from suspending a wedding ring, pencil or needle over the woman’s belly to which side of the bed she sleeps. See Ring on a String Gender Prediction. While these myths are easily debunked, there are few that look plausible. 

Some women will be quick to say morning sickness is stronger with baby boys or lasts longer when you are expecting a baby girl. It’s actually possible to find anecdotal evidence in pregnancy forums.

No morning sickness, Girl or Boy?

It is believed that if a pregnant woman doesn’t have nausea in the early weeks of pregnancy then she is likely carrying a boy. Well, this has not been proven and has misled a lot of women before. Severe morning sickness has been scientifically linked with baby girl pregnancy. 

Girl pregnancy hormones are likely to make a woman feel more nauseated. According to a study conducted in Sweden, pregnant women who were admitted for severe morning sickness had a 55 percent chance of giving birth to a girl. But the study focused on women who had a hyperemesis gravidarum and it's challenging to relate these findings with women who are experiencing “normal” morning sickness. 

So, before you go to the mall to buy all blue clothes because you are not experiencing morning sickness, it is good to wait for the 20th week anatomy scan.  This is a more exact way of predicting the sex of your baby. You don’t want to buy a pile of clothes that are inappropriate for the baby you are expecting. 

Other methods of determining the gender of your baby 

Various methods of determining the outcome of a pregnancy have been passed down from generation to generation. Although these methods have not been scientifically proven, some women have reported success. So, why not take a few minutes to look at them? 

Bump position 

The gender of your baby can be predicted from the shape and position of your belly. If your belly is low and out front, you are expecting a boy. But if the belly is high, it’s likely to be a girl.

Your appearance 

Changes on your face can indicate the gender of your unborn baby. Contrary to what many people would expect, boys confer rosy skin and shiny hair, whereas girls leave the mother will pimples and lusterless dull hair. Science disregards this by attributing skin changes to the change in body hormones. 

Take our Boy or Girl Quiz to put all of the popular old wives tales to the test.

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